2024 Fall Conference
The Massachusetts Association for Floodplain Management (massFM) is opening a call for abstracts for our 5th Annual massFM Conference, which will take place on October 30, 2024, at the Hogan Center at Holy Cross in Worcester. You can submit abstracts using the online form here.
The technical program will be organized around the following major themes and further refined and finalized after the abstract submission review conducted by the Technical Program Committee. Final decisions will be based on the best overall design of the Conference program.
Riverine/Coastal Floodplain Management
Climate Resiliency and Adaptation
Ecological Restoration
Nature Based Solutions
Innovative Stormwater Management
Permitting, Lessons Learned, Community Outreach
Abstract submission guidelines:
Abstract submissions will be considered for oral plenary presentations, or panel sessions of up to four speakers.
Presenting speakers and panelists must register for and attend the symposium in person.
Each abstract submission must provide a clear and concise description of the topic being proposed for presentation.
Abstracts are limited to 500 words.
A brief bio of the presenter shall be included.
The abstract submission deadline has been extended to 11:59pm, September 3, 2024 for project case studies related to coastal areas, inland areas, and/or environmental justice engagement.
You can submit abstracts using the online form here.
Placement Notification:
In late August 2024, the corresponding/presenting author of each abstract will be notified by email of the placement decision. If the abstract is accepted, this email will state the session and format to which it has been assigned and provide information on preparing the presentation.